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Sensitive Eco-Friendly Architecture - Printable Version

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Sensitive Eco-Friendly Architecture - chitravishwanath - 04-24-2014

The aim of Chitra Vishwanath architectural practice is to design looking at spaces as ecological spaces not just physical spaces. Response to climate, conserving and using natural resources judiciously, and eliminating waste streams are sought to be consciously built in to each project.

The buildings are usually built with earth, harvest rain, sun and wind, encourage recycling and reuse, attract local plants and birds and be unique but comfortable spaces.


Biome Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Biome's service offerings range from architectural and rainwater harvesting design to environmental planning consultancy and comprehensive water strategising. We place great emphasis on developing strong communication channels and particularly face-to-face interaction with each of our clients, which enable us to tune in to the client's needs and constraints.
Ecology and sustainability are the two cornerstones of the firm's design philosophy. Our architecture team works closely with the client and their requirements to be able to conceive an environmentally sound project. This is achieved by a constant evaluation of the project's impact on site, embodied energy of materials,climatic tolerance, water management systems and the social impact.