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Role of NGO’s in infrastructure development - Printable Version

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Role of NGO’s in infrastructure development - Pramod Gupta - 12-14-2016

Role of NGO in infrastructure development

Local, national and regional NGOs have emerged as major players and partners in development activities in the region. At the community level, they are in the front line in providing assistance in the acquisition of basic needs and amenities; in identifying issues, raising awareness, and providing information to grassroots communities; in articulating the communities’ problems and needs and bringing these to the attention of those who can affect change; in defending both the environmental and developmental rights of communities and building the capacity of communities to manage their natural resources; and in dealing with sustainable development concerns.

1.       Catalyzing and/or facilitating the active participation of communities in infrastructure development
2.       Complementary or neutral to the objectives of the local authority.
3.       Awareness-Raising, Campaigning and Advocacy
4.       Ensure reliability and sustainability of their initiatives, since they are self motivated.
5.       Environmental Monitoring and Reporting
6.       Implementation, operations and maintenance of the infrastructure facilities.
7.       Education, Training and Capacity Building