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Badkhal hub Transit integrated development- Faridabad - Nivia Jain - Printable Version

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Badkhal hub Transit integrated development- Faridabad - Nivia Jain - NIVIA JAIN - 08-17-2023

Badkhal hub Transit integrated development
Nivia Jain

Jury comments
• A very professionally handled work with an exhaustive and detailed complex progrm.
• Vehicular access during peak hours is not accurately calculated.

Places near transit hubs have the potential to  become vibrant public places. Places where people not only 'pass through' but also choose 'to be'. Transit integrated development can synergize on the already existing footfall that transit stations receive along with t he diverse functions that a mixed-use development provides to create a vibrant public realm, from which the development and the transit node can both mutually benefit. The research bega with the realization of the immense potential the selected project site has to become an active public realm. A place which is accessible to the
city's diverse res idents. Key idea is to design the place in a way which can activate the site - physically, socially and economically and create a Lively, robust public rea lm. The project has been envi sioned not only as a place of transit or a public place for the neighborhood but also as a destination for the residents of the city.

The municipal corporation of Faridabad (mcf) under the Smart City Mission has adopted transit oriented development as a strategy for further developments along the t ransit rail metro corridor and Mathura road (scm 2016). The site is part of one such location proposed for mixed-use development under the area based development strategy of the Smart City Mission.
It is next to the Badhkal Mar met ro station on the violet Line of the Delhi Metro. Enriching public spaces not only banish loneliness from cities, but it could help in making residents feel more engaged and comfortable with t heir surroundings. This is exactly what Badkhal Hub has tried to achieve. Badkhal hub, is a 'place to be' for the commuters, for the inhabitants, for
the residents of Faridabad. Badkhal hub is a take on t he public places t he urban residents need a comfortable is a city thereby improving their social, mental and physical health promoting healthy and happy Living .


"Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis" the annual program conducted by the Council of Architecture through its academic unit Council of Architecture Training and Research Centre (COA TRC) completed its eleventh cycle in 2016. This national event saw the participation of candidates from colleges across five zones. The zonal juries of the awards program were hosted by colleges from Lucknow, Cuttack, Pune, Bangalore, and Kanchipuram.

The program of the National Jury was graced by the presence of Ar. Habeeb Khan, President. Council of Architecture, the Registrar, the Executive Committee, members of Council of Architecture, members of advisory committee of the Thesis Award Program and faculty and students from college of architecture:
for more detail ...
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