EXAMINATION OF THE PLOT OR SITE according to Vastu ( भूपरीक्षा )

Mayamatam मयमतम् y bruno dagens ; Authentic sanskrit book on ancient vastu sastra
तृतीयोऽध्यायः [भूपरीक्षा]  CHAPTER 3 : EXAMINATION OF THE SITE

It is said that rectangular sites too are suitable for gods and for brahmins. The shape of the site must be perfect and it must rise towards the west or south.

It must be filled with the sounds of horses, of elephants, of flutes, lutes, water and drums and must be impregnated with the fragrances of pumnåga, jasmine, lotus, grain and pătala. Its odour is like that of cattle; it is perfect, able to make all the seeds grow and of uniform colour. (Its soi!) is compact, smooth and pleasing to the touch.

Six kinds of trees grow there: bilva, nimba, nirgundin, pindita, saptaparnaka and sabakära. The ground is even; its colour is white, red, yellow or black as a pigeon; it has six flavours: bitter, pungent, astringent, salt, sour and sweet; such a ground is guarantee of success. The site must be bordered by a water course flowing to the right, it must be of pleasant colour, odour and taste; if a handful (of earth) is taken up it should be pleasing to the sight and to the mind.

Da (The ground) is free from potsherds, pebbles, worms, ants and bones; it is free from holes and is covered in white sand. It must be free from charcoal, stumps and every sort of pointed object as well as from sludge, dust, cavities and husks. Such a site is suitable for all castes and brings them success.

The sages however reject a site which smells like curds, melted butter, honey or oil, blood, carrion, fish or fowl. They reject, as well, a site which is too near a hall, a sacred place, a palace a temple." They reject one planted with thorn trees, one which is round, triangular, irregular or shaped like a rajra and one (raised in the centre) like a tortoise shell

They reject too (a site) overshadowed by the dwelling of a candala or near the house of a tanner. In the same way they reject that which is on one, two, three or four roads or near a path smelling of garlic. They reject a site depressed (in the middle) like a panava drum and one in the form of bird, tambourine or fish. They reject those with large trees at the four corners, those planted with sacred trees and those whose four corners are lined by walls," in the same way they reject one which is inhabited by a procurer and one where there is a brothel.

So too, they reject a site which is a cremation ground or a place of retreat as well as one in the shape of a porcupine, a monkey or a forest snake and, as well, one which is shaped like a hatchet, a winnowing basket, a conch or a stake." So too, they reject one resembling a cat or a lizard, one which is desert or frequented (only) by worms, one in the shape of a house lizard¹2 or in any other such shape. The sages condemn too a site to which several roads give access or which is crossed by a road. 13

To erect a building on such a site, even by mistake, is the source of

great misfortune; this is always to be avoided.

White, (red like) blood, yellow (or) black, resonant with the trumpet ing of elephants and of horses, (endowed with) six flavours, of one colour, perfumed by cattle as well as by grain and lotus, free from pebble and husk, rising towards the south or west, bordered by a river in the north or cast, equal to the perfect Surabhi, free from sharp objects and bones, such should be the site which, according to the best experts, is suitable for everybody and which does not wither the seeds.

original sanskrit text
`देवानां तु द्विजातीनां चतुरश्रायताः श्रुताः । 
“वस्त्वाकृतिरनिन्द्या सावाक्प्रत्यग्दिक्समुन्नता ॥ १ ॥ 
हयेभवेणुवीणाब्धिदुन्दुभिध्वनिसंयुता ।
पुत्राग' जातिपुष्पाब्जधान्य पाटलगन्धकैः ॥ २ ॥

पशुगन्धसमा श्रेष्ठा सर्वबीजप्ररोहिणी । "एकवर्णा घना स्निग्धा सुखसंस्पर्शनान्विता ॥ ३ ॥ 
बिल्वो निम्बश्च "निर्गुण्डी पिण्डितः सप्तपर्णकः । सहकारश्च षड्वृक्षैरारूढा "या समस्थला ॥ ४ ॥ 
श्वेता रक्ता च पीता च "कृष्णा कापोतसन्निभा“ । तिक्ता च कटुका चैत्र कषायलवणाम्लका'" ॥ ५ ॥ 
मधुरा "षड्सोपेता सर्वसम्पत्करी "घरा । प्रदक्षिणोदकवती वर्णगन्धरसैः शुभा ॥६॥ 
पुरुषाञ्जलि¨मात्रे तु दृष्टतोया ¨मनोरमा ।
"निष्कपाला निरुपला कृमिवल्मीकवर्जिता ।। ७ ।।
"अस्थिवर्ज्या नसुषिरा तनुवालुकसंयुता । "अङ्गरैर्वृक्षमूलैच शूलैचापि पृथग्विधैः ॥ ८ ॥
"पङ्कसङ्कर"कूपैच " दारुभिलष्टकैरपि । 
शर्कराभि"रयुक्ता या भस्माद्यैस्तु तुषैरपि ॥ ९ ॥ 
सा शुभा सर्ववर्णानां सर्वसम्पत्करी "धरा ।
दध्याज्यमधुगन्धा च तैलास" गान्धिका च या ॥ १० ॥

शवमीनपक्षिगन्धा "सा धरा निन्दिता वरैः ।
सभा“चैत्यसमीपस्था नृपमन्दिर"संश्रिता ॥ ११ ॥

देवालयसमीपस्था कष्टकिद्रुमसंयुता ।
वृत्तत्रिकोण "विषमा वज्राभा "कच्छपोन्नता ॥ १२ ॥

"चण्डालावासगच्छाया चर्मकारालयाश्रिता ।
एकद्वित्रिचतु मांग "तरिताव्यमार्गका ॥ १३ ॥ 
"निम्नं यत् “पणवाकार पक्षीव “मुरजोपमम् ।
"मस्याभं तु चतुष्कोणे महावृक्षसमायुतम् ॥ १४॥ 
"चैत्यवृक्षयुतं सालचतुष्कोणसमाश्रितम् ।

भुजङ्गनिलयं चैव “सराराममेव च ॥ १५ ॥
श्मशानं चाश्रमस्थानं कपिसूकरसन्निभम् ।  वनोरगनिभं टङ्कं शूर्पोलूखलसन्निभम् ॥ १६ ॥ 
शङ्खाभं शङ्कनाभं च बिडालकृकलासवत् । 5 ऊषरं कमिभिर्जुष्टं गृहगौलिसमाकृति २ ॥ १७ ॥ 
अन्यदेवंविधं वस्तु निन्दितं वस्तुपाठकैः । बहुप्रवेशमार्गं च मार्गविद्धं च गर्हितम् ॥ १८ ॥ 
यत् कर्म विहितं "मोहादेवंभूते तु वस्तुनि । “तन्महादोषहेतुः स्यात् सर्वथा “तद् विवर्जयेत् ॥ १९ ॥
श्वेतासृपीतकृष्णा हयगजनिनदा ¨षड्रसा चैकवर्णा गोधान्याम्भोजगन्धोपलतुषरहितावाक्प्रतीच्युनता या । पूर्वोदग्वारिसारा वरसुरभिसमा शूलहीनास्थिवर्ज्या सा भूमिः सर्वयोग्या कणदररहिता सम्मताद्यैर्मुनीन्द्रैः ॥ २०
इति मयमते वस्तुशास्त्रे भूपरीक्षा नाम तृतीयोऽध्यायः

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Email: manish@frontdesk.co.in
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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