

Effective literacy rate is defined as the percentage of literates to population aged 7 years and above.

Effective Literacy rate = (Number of Literates / Population age 7 +) x 100

As Per Census India Slum 2011

Literates and illiterates
The numbers of literates and illiterates aged seven and above in India as per the provisional population totals of census 2011 is 778, 454, 120 and 272, 950, 015 respectively. There has been a marked improvement in the proportion of literates in the last decade. Literates in 2011 constitute 74 % of the total population aged seven and above as compared to 65% in 2001.

Information on literacy is canvassed regarding every individual in the census. For the purpose of census a person aged seven and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any languages, is treated as literate. A person, who can only read but cannot write, they are not literate. In the census prior to 1991, children below five years of age were necessarily treated as illiterates.

That literacy has externalities is widely accepted. An illiterate, who is connected to a literate person or has easy access to one, gets many of the benefits of literacy. Such a person, a “proximate illiterate,” is much better off than an “isolated illiterate,” that is, an illiterate who lives amidst people who are all illiterates.

For more detail.. 
Literacy Rate in India DR. NAVINCHANDRA R. SHAH

Effective literacy rate refers to the proportion of people in a population who are able to read and write with understanding. It is a measure of functional literacy and takes into account the ability of individuals to use their literacy skills in real-life situations.

Effective literacy is different from simple literacy, which is a basic measure of the ability to read and write, regardless of the individual's comprehension of what they are reading. Effective literacy is seen as a more accurate measure of a person's ability to participate in and contribute to society.

Calculating the effective literacy rate requires collecting data on the ability of individuals to use their literacy skills in real-life situations, such as the ability to understand and use information in daily life, to participate in the political process, and to access health and educational services.

Improving effective literacy rates is an important goal of many development initiatives, as it is seen as a key factor in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth, as well as promoting social and political empowerment. However, achieving high effective literacy rates can be challenging, as it requires addressing a range of social, economic, and educational factors that contribute to low literacy levels.

The Census of India measures both the simple literacy rate and the effective literacy rate. The simple literacy rate is defined as the proportion of people aged seven years and above who can read and write, while the effective literacy rate takes into account the ability of individuals to use their literacy skills in real-life situations.

According to the 2011 Census of India, 
the simple literacy rate in India was 74.04%, 
while the effective literacy rate was 63.75%

These figures indicate that while a significant proportion of the population is able to read and write, there is still a gap in terms of their ability to use their literacy skills effectively.

The effective literacy rate varies significantly across different states and regions in India, with some states having much higher rates than others. In general, the effective literacy rate is higher in urban areas than in rural areas, reflecting the higher levels of educational attainment and access to services in urban areas.

Improving effective literacy rates is an important goal for the Indian government and development organizations, as it is seen as a key factor in reducing poverty, promoting economic growth, and promoting social and political empowerment. Efforts to improve literacy rates in India include increasing access to quality education and promoting adult literacy programs.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Email: manish@frontdesk.co.in
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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