Building materials used for walls

Building materials used for walls

Building materials used for walls in India are (i) mud, (ii) stone, (iii) brick, (iv) timber, and (v) wattle

(i) Mud is the most common material, available from all types of soils, varying in texture and colour. These vernacular buildings, involving family labour and neighbour’s co-operation and are available almost all parts of the country. 

(ii) Stone or basalt boulders or rock cut pieces are widely used in such areas where proximity, availability in greater amount and portability are favourable factors.

(iii) Brick walls are now covering the country side with the increased use of coal as baking material. Today brick klines are commonly found in rural areas and bake bricks are freely available. The oldest evidences of houses are available from the excavation of various sites of Indus valley civilization. Mud mortar as cementing material, is widely used in country side. Various other cementing material as mortar are used since ancient times. Unbaked kachcha brick is also used for low height walls.

(iv) Timber or wooden wall houses have been common in forest areas because woods are available in abundance there. Just near the dwellings are the major factors for using these timbers as building materials. Examples are abound in Bhil areas of Central India.

(v) Wattle wall is mainly the product of terrain and forest cover. This is due to availability of material almost without cost and skill among the owners. These houses are mostly occupied by aboriginals of Vindhyas and Satpura. Mostly Gonds and Bhils reside in such houses. Their small dwellings occupy even the slopes and summits of the hills.

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