Preparation and Implementation of Master Plan

Preparation and Implementation  of Master Plan

Stepwise procedure for Master Plan Preparation: 

1.  Notification by Govt. / Local Authority:
                i.  Name of Town  , ii.  Horizon year ,  iii. Revenue Villages covered.  iv. Agency for plan preparation.
2. Further actions are taken by the Agency authorised to prepare Master Plan:
                i.              Reconnaissance Survey  ,  ii.        Formation of teams
3. Identification of data needs and surveys
Preparation of existing land use map
4. Collection of Data
1.       Primary Surveys
o   Landuse Survey
§  Residential
§  Commercial
§  Industrial
§  Recreational
§  Public &Simi Public
§  Circulation
o   Transportation Survey
§  Origin Destination Survey
§   Traffic Volume Survey
§   Speed Survey
§   Vehicle Movement Survey
§   Parking Survey
§  Road Marking & Traffic Signs & Signals
o   Socio Economic Sample Survey
§  Income of Households
§   Sex ratio
§   Literacy Rate
§   Work force participation
§   Livelihood
§   Households Amenities
2.       Secondary Surveys
o   Census of India
§  Population
§  Workforce
§  Literacy
§  Sex ratio
§  No. of Households
§   Condition Slums
§  HH Amenities & Asset
o   District Gazetteer
§  Historical Evolution of the city
§  Distance from important places
§  Regional Setting of the city etc.
o   Line Departments
§  Krishi Upaj Mandi
§  Tourism etc.
§  Revenue
5. Data Analysis: (Assessment of existing conditions.)
       Identification of useful data ,
       Analysis of Data – Inferences
       Correlation – Inferences
-          On maps
-          Base charts / Pie diagrams
-          Statistical tables

6. Projections: (Assessment of future requirements.)
Projections done for 20 years (Horizon year) and also for intermediate years.
           Projection of work force – Participation 33%.
           Occupational structure – Primary, Sec., Tertiary
           Population projections
-          Arithmetic Progression – Trend based
-          Geometric Progression
-          Component method – Natural growth + Migration.
Based on projected population area requirement is calculated as per standard densities.

7. Stakeholder’s Meeting (Optional) :
·         All the departments related with Urban Development and Governance and citizen forum groups are invited.
·         Data Analysis & Projections are presented before them.
·         Views, aims and objectives are obtained.
·         Goals, aims and objectives, policies are defined.

8.       Preparation of Master Plan in Draft form.

9.       Public objections / Suggestions on Draft plan.

10.   Hearing of public objections & finalizing the same.

11.   Finalization of Master Plan in the light of objection / Suggestion report.

12.   Preparation of Final report and Maps.

13.   Notification of Master Plan. 
1                     Preparation of Map showing Settlement and enviorns
2                     Preparation of Base map Correlating Cadastral information
3                     Socio –Economic Survey
4                     Preparation of existing Landuse map
5                     Identification of  direction of growth
6                     Identification of  broad Quantum of land required for  horizon year
7                     Identification of  detailed Quantum of land required for  horizon year
8                     Analysis of Survey results and projections
9                     Spelling out hierarchy of development
10                 Proposed land use
11                 Development Control
12                 Building Byelaws, if applicable
13                 Phasing of Development
14                 Priortisation of projects and costing
15                 Funding possibilities
16                 Monitoring and implementation
17                 Review
18                 Zonal Development Plans

Implementation of master plan

Implementation of plan proposals has direct implications on urban growth and development. For this, a vibrant, robust and coordinated network of institutions and information system is essential for full utilisation of available financial and other resources judiciously. Besides, a set of tools are needed to implement plan properly. 

These tools include legal protection of plan, regulatory measures of land use controls, i.e., land and zoning regulations, building regulations etc., controls on development activities and capital enhancement programmes. Other subordinate tools like tax policy, township policy, land acquisition, institutional reorganisation, incentives for public-private partnerships etc. must be attuned to the goals and objectives of the master plan. 

Further, the plan constantly need its translation into socio-economic and investment programmes. However, spatio-temporal variations in availability of planning tools and their limitations should be recognised during preparation of plan to ensure its successful implementation. For instance, land use zoning or compulsory purchase of land may well exist on paper or in legislation but are not effective in practice. 

Such exercise enhances effectiveness of master plans and their implementation on ground level.

The execution of master plan is carried out either by municipality or corporation. For execution a team of experts in Engineering, Architecture, Public health, Sociology, Economics, Finance etc. headed by a Town Planner is required. After the master plan is accepted and approved by the concerned authority, the steps to be taken will be

(1) to fix the broad policies in connection with various proposals.
(2) to prepare the list of the urgent works according to their priorities.
(3) to prepare the detailed estimates of work of top priority.
(4) to prepare a financial programme.

It takes many years to complete the works contemplated in the master plan. The cost is also very high amount. So the expenditure will have to be distributed over several years. Moreover, several modifications will have to be made as such no final estimate is made in the initial stage.

The most important part of master plan is the reservation of land for road system, open spaces, and public amenities, which cannot be provided for at a later date. Once it is finalised, no building should be allowed to construct which will upset the street system

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