Amendment in CM JAN AWAS YOJANA 3 APR 2017

Recent amendment in various provisions in CHIEF MINISTER's JAN AWAS YOJANA-2015

Provision IA — Mandatory Provisions for Residential Schemes of ULBs/UlTs/ Development Authorities/RHB and Private Developers. 

General Parameters — Existing Provision 2 (iii) is replaced by  

2.(iii) For Private Developers—

In Residential Schemes proposed by private developers on their own land 10% of saleable area in case of plotted development and 7.5% of FAR area in case of flatted development is to be reserved for EWS and LIG plots/flats as the case may be. However in case of schemes of area less than 2 Ha. (plotted development) and less than 5000 sq.mtrs. (for flatted development), the developer has option of paying charges as follows . 

(a) in case of scheme of plotted development cost of land of the 10% saleable area is to be levied on prevailing reserve price and in areas where reserve price is not available, on DLC rate and 

(b) in case of scheme of flatted development cost is to be charged for 7.5% FAR area at the rate of Rs 100 per sq.ft. 

Provision 3A — Development of EWS/LIG Fiats by Private Developer on private and (flatted development in G + 3 and above format)

Existing parameters are replaced by following :-

General Parameters :-

1 Minimum area    :    0.5 Ha.

2 Land distribution for  EWS/LIG category  :  Minimum 75% of total land area, remaining area may be used for residential development of other categories.

3 Sale Price    :  To be decided by the developers

4 Allotment by  :  The developer will invite applications within 60 days  of approval of maps, and carry out scrutiny of applications. Provision for keeping 10% reserve list should also be kept, to cater to any subsequent cancellations. In allotment process by developer the advertisement for the allotment of EWS/LIG units will be issued as per, income criteria fixed in the Policy.

Allotment shall be done through lottery and a representative of ULB is to be included in allotment process. Final list of allotees Shall be submitted to concerned authority/municipality/ with relevant documents. Developer would also be responsible collect cost of unit from the allottees directly. 

5 Completion Period  :  As prescribed in the Policy.

Technical Parameters for EWS/LIG Component - 

6. Ground Coverage : Up to 50% and for developers components as per Building Byelaws.

7. Side & Rear Setback : Shall be minimum of 3 mtrs. for building height up to 5 mtrs.. minimum 6 mtrs for building height above 15 mtrs and for the developers component as per building bye laws. 

8. Parking  :  1 two wheeler for each EWS unit , 2 two wheeler for each LIG unit  and for developer component as per building byelaws . 

9. Height and incentive FAR  :  

Road width 9 M and above  upto 12 M  :  height =15 M  : Incentive FAR = 0.50  
Road width  above 12 M and less than 18 M  :  height =24 M  : Incentive FAR = 1.00  
Road width  18 M and less than 24 M  :  height =36 M  : Incentive FAR = 1.50  
Road width  24 M and less than 30 M  :  height =45 M  : Incentive FAR = 2.00
Road width  30 M and above :  height = As per building byelaws  : Incentive FAR = 2.25  

10 Approach road  : Minimum 9 m 

11 EWS/LIG unit area : As per Policy.

Note :- Other technical parameters will be applicable as per prevailing Building Byelaws and Township Policy.

Incentives to Developers -

12 Land conversion/land use change charges : 100% waiver on complete land

13 External Development Charges : To be paid by the developer as applicable under Township Policy or Developer may undertake external development works such as approach road, power including GSS, water and sewerage on his own.

14 Building Plan Approval Fee : 100% waiver

15 Split Location : Not applicable.
16 Commercial use : As per Building Byelaws.

17 FAR : Maximum FAR 2.25 plus Incentive FAR as per Sr. No. 9, however FAR without betterment levy shall be upto 2.25 only and above 2.25 FAR betterment levy shall be charged as per Building Byelaws.

18 TDR Facility : Not applicable

Note : Scheme proposed under this provision shall be permissible in residential and mixed land use. In case schemes under this provision are applied which are not in above specified land uses then SLSMC may be take decision to allow affordable housing in those land uses.

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Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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