
Mayamatam मयमतम् - by bruno dagens , Authentic book on ancient vastu sastra

Once he has chosen a piece of land endowed with the prescribed qualities of shape, colour, sound (... etc.), the learned architect should make an offering to the gods accompanied by exclamations such as Svasti and cries of good omen such as Jaya'. Next'he pronounces this formula: "That Spirits, Gods and Demons depart! That they leave this place and go elsewhere for I take possession. Thus possession is taken of the site.

After ploughing.' (the architect) must sow seeds of all kinds mixed with cow-dung; then having seen them germinate and reaped the fruits, he puts cows there along with bulls and calves

Sa In this way (the site) will be stamped down by the cows, sanctified by their breath, purified by the contented lowing of the bulls and consecrated by the froth which flows from the mouths of the calves; it will be bathed by jets of cows' urine, coated with dung and made fertile

See Ajita (chapter 7) and Manasara (chapter 5) Similar mantras are used when cutting down a tree (1589-90) or quarrying out a stone 33.27)

by the spittle, the cows spew out whilst chewing the cud and by their stamping; it will be permeated by their odour and, lastly, will be consecrated by sprinkling of holy water.

8b-10a Next, on a lunar day chosen as auspicious according to the configuration of the asterisms, in the favourable half of the day at a moment determined by an inspired man, hulled rice and white flowers are to be offered and, if possible, brahmins should pronounce propitious words.

10b-15 Next, at the centre of the site a square piece of land orientated to the cardinal points must be dug out to the depth of one cubit; this is to be donc faultlessly so that the pit is not too narrow nor too deep. Next, once he has offered prayers according to the ritual and has consecrated this pit with water of all jewels mixed with sandal and hulled rice, the wise man should fill it with water at nightfall. Then, after purifying himself and concentrating his mind, he lies down on the ground beside the pit facing east and he begins his fast by pronouncing this formula: "Earth, at this site, prosper in riches and in harvests! be fecund! Salutations to Thee! be propitious!".

16-18a At daybreak the wise architect examines the pit; if he sees a small residue of water he is to consider this as a guarantee of success, if the pit is damp, buildings will be destroyed and if it is dry harvests and riches will disappear. When the hole is filled up with its own earth the site

average quality if the pit is completely full; if it overflows with earth the site will prove excellent and if it is not packed full with earth it is of inferior quality.

It is after this investigation, carried out in a pit in the centre of the site, that, for the sake of success, the (definitive) choice is to be made of a site which is said to be in the image of Surabhi and which is bordered by a river flowing to the right.

After recognition of the different types of sites, with the help of the rules given above, he who envisages (establishing) grāma, agrahāra, pura, pattana, kharvata, sthaniya, kheta, nigama or other settle ments, must take possession of the site.

Original sanskrit text
चतुर्थोऽध्यायः भूपरिग्रहः 

'आकारवर्णशब्दादि गुणोपेतं भुवः स्थलम् । सङ्गृह्म स्थपतिः प्राज्ञो दत्त्वा देवबलिं पुनः ॥ १ ॥ स्वस्तिवाचकघोषेण जयशब्दादिमङ्गलैः । अपक्रामन्तु भूतानि देवताश्च सराक्षसाः ॥ २ ॥ 10 कृष्ट्वा गोमयमिश्राणि सर्वबीजानि वापयेत् । 'यतो गोभिः परिक्रान्त "मुपघाणैश्च पूजितम् ॥ ५ ॥ "संहृष्टवृषनादैश्च निर्धीतकलुषीकृतम् । वत्सवक्त्रच्युतैः फेनैः संस्कृतं " प्रस्त्रवैरपि ।। ६ ।। स्नातं गोमूत्रसेकैश्च "गोपुरीषैः सलेपनम् । "च्युतरोमन्थनोद्वारैगोष्पदैः कृतकौतुकम् ।। ७ ।।
गोगन्धेन ¨समाविष्टं 2 पुण्यतोयैः शुभं पुनः । तथा पुण्यतिथोपेते "नक्षत्रविषये 22 शुभे ॥ ८ ॥ करणे च सुलग्ने च मुहूर्ते च बुधेप्सिते24 । अक्षतैः 25श्वेतपुष्पैश्च बलिकर्म विधीयते ॥ ९ ॥ ब्राह्मणैश्च यथाशक्त्या वाचयेत् "स्वस्तिवाचकम् । 27 वस्तुमध्ये ततस्तस्मिन् खानयेद् वसुधातलम् ॥ १० ॥ 28 अरनिमात्रगम्भीरं चतुरश्र समन्वितम् । दिग्भाग¨स्थमसम्भ्रान्तमसंक्षिप्तसमुच्छ्रयम् ॥ ११ ॥ अर्चयित्वा यथान्यायं तं "कूपमभिवन्द्य च । 32 चन्दनाक्षतमिश्रेण सर्वरत्नोदकेन च ॥ १२ ॥ पयसा तु ततः प्राज्ञो निशादौ परिपूरयेत् । तस्य कूपस्य चाभ्याशे शुचिर्भूत्वा ¨समाहितः ॥ १३ ॥ भूमौ दर्भावकीर्णायां संविशेत् ” प्राक्शिरा बुधः ।

अयं मन्त्रः

अस्मिन् वस्तुनि वर्धस्व धनधान्येन “मेदिनि! ॥ १४ ॥ उत्तमं वीर्यमास्थाय नमस्तेऽस्तु शिवा भव । उपवासमुपक्रामेदेतं मन्त्रं जपंस्ततः ॥ १५॥
अह्न आदौ परीक्षेत तं “कूपं स्थपतिर्बुधः ।

4'सावशेषं जलं दृष्ट्वा तद् ग्राह्यं “सर्वसम्पदे ॥ १६ ॥ 43 क्लिन्ने “वस्तुविनाशाय शुष्के धान्यधनक्षयः । 45 पूरिते तन्मृदा खाते समता मध्यमा मता ॥ १७ ॥ उत्तमा 47 भूर्मूदाधिक्या हीना हीना मृदा मही । 48तन्मध्यावटसन्दृष्टप्रदक्षिणचरोदकाम् ॥ १८ ॥ 
सुरभिप्रतिमां “भूमिं गृह्णीयात् सर्वसम्पदे । एवं यथोक्तविधिना विविधं विदित्वा ग्रामाग्रहारपुरपत्तनखर्वटानि । स्थानीयखेटनिगमानि तथेतराणि यः संविविक्षुरवनीग्रहणं विदध्यात् ॥ १९ ॥
इति मयमते वस्तुशास्त्रे भूपरिग्रहो नाम चतुर्थोऽध्यायः

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Email: manish@frontdesk.co.in
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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