Why do startups die in India?

Why do startups die in India?

if your friend is starting a new venture, odds are very high that the venture will never see its second birthday. Start-ups are fairly easy to start if you have the guts to face uncertainty, and even easier to crash and burn even if you have a killer product or service to offer.

A start-up’s journey may get over prematurely if a product- market fit is not found or if the fledgling outfit is unable to meet its cost through fundraising or revenues from sales. However, rarely do start-ups fail because of such purely economic reasons or plain bad luck.

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A startup is typically construed to be a new venture in a hi-tech area. Typically most startups are founded by students right after college or young professionals. The sad part of startups in India is that most founders typically sacrifice their career, earnings, personal life, and professional aspirations to create something that in an overwhelming majority of cases fails. I am also owned by a startup for kochi airport taxi. Since most startups are internet based, the chances of competition are very very high because the internet nullifies geographical distances. The basics needed to built a startup is ideas, funding, and talent. I feel that we fall short on all of these counts, and thus our hi-tech ventures do not work. There is a big difference in the success rate between an Israeli or American startup and an Indian startup.

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