Sanchi Stupa and Bhim Vatika Caves, Bhopa, MP, India

The Semi-Circle was one step further to the production of a full circle, and lent itself to the notion of doubling-back, or retracing one’s steps from whence one had come. Utilized in combination with the metaphysical concept of pradakshina, the semi-circle became a motif in early temples, especially in Aihole. The Buddhists also used the semi-circle in their chaityas, to emphasize the position of the stupa at the culmination of the chaitya form.

The Circle, though rarely if ever occurring as an element in temple plans, was the form of choice for Buddhist architecture, symbolizing perhaps movement and dynamism, as well as the metaphysical notion of heaven crowning the earth.

Messages In This Thread
Sanchi Stupa and Bhim Vatika Caves, Bhopa, MP, India - by shivani - 08-26-2014, 11:02 AM
RE: Sanchi Stupa and Bhim Vatika Caves, Bhopa, MP, India - by satish lohar - 09-20-2014, 08:54 AM
RE: Sanchi Stupa and Bhim Vatika Caves, Bhopa, MP, India - by mithun - 12-24-2014, 09:02 AM

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