

W.H.O definition

The concept of housing is an enclosed environment in which man finds protection and feels safe and secured from hostile forces and can function with increased comfort and satisfaction as regards privacy to the individual and his family. The environment must include all necessity , services, facilities, equipments and devices needed for physical and social well being of the family of the individual.
The basic inputs of housing are :
1. Land
2. Materials and
3. Finance
Hosuing starts from one room and the combination of rooms creates a house. The science of arrangement of these housing with the provisions of all the necessary (physical and social) infrastructures is “Housing”.

While S.K. Kulshrestha defines housing as :
The total physical environment within and outside the house were families and households live and includes houses and all necessary utilities, community facilities, park, playground and roads. In low income group housing accommodating households engaged in same or similar occupation , a common place of work is also included as an integral part of housing.

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Housing - by julivijay - 11-17-2014, 08:25 AM

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