Dwelling unit

Dwelling unit  
आवासीय इकाई / रिहायशी इकाई

A single self-contained house with independent access designed and constructed as an independent unit of a residential area.

Dwelling Unit is defined as one or more rooms including kitchen designed as a unit for occupancy by one family for the purpose of cooking, living and sleeping.

As par census of India : Dwelling Unit is defined as the accommodation occupied by a household for its residential purpose. It may be an entire structure or a part thereof or may consist of more than one structure. On the other hand of more than one household may be found to occupy a single structure such as those living in independent flats or sharing a single housing unit, in which case there will be one or more dwelling units depending upon the number of households in occupancy of the structure.

Occupancy type of the dwelling Units : A threefold classification of dwelling units basing on the criterion of occupancy of the households in those units
has been adopted in the survey. Criteria as recorded under that classification are 
(i) owned 
(ii) quarters 
(iii) other hired accommodations. 

Besides these, information on households not satisfying these criteria is clubbed under “others” while those without any proper dwelling unit come within a separate category viz. “No dwelling”. 

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Dwelling unit - by mehak jain - 11-20-2014, 11:08 AM

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