Objectives of institutes of Town Planners in India

The main objectives of institutes of Town Planners, India are:  

1.       To advance the study of town planning, civic design and kindred subjects and of the sciences and arts as applied to those subjects.

2.       To promote planned, economic, scientific and artistic development of towns, cities and rural areas.
3.       To promote the general interests of those engaged in the practice in town and country planning.
4.       To foster the teaching of subjects related to town and country planning and assist in providing such teaching.
5.       To device and impose the means for testing the qualifications of candidates for admission to membership of the Institute by examination.
6.       To consider all questions affecting the practice of town and country planning and to initiate and watch over planning and to procure changes of, and amendments in, the law relating to or affecting town and country planning.
7.       To hold conferences or meetings for the discussion of, and the exchange of views on matters affecting or relating to town and country planning, the reading of papers and the delivery of lectures; and to hold congress or exhibitions and to award medals, certificates, prizes or diplomas in connection herewith.
8.       To form or acquire by purchase, donation, bequest or otherwise a library and collection of maps, drawings, designs or other materials and to maintain, extend and improve the same. And
9.       To ascertain and notify the law and practice relating to town and country planning, and to compile, collect, revise, print and publish statistics, professional records, and periodicals relating to any of the objects of the Institute.

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Objectives of institutes of Town Planners in India - by harshita - 12-08-2016, 08:32 AM

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