Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9E- दौवारिकाः Divinities of the gates

[ दौवारिकाः ]

चण्डेश्वरः कुमारो धनदः काली च पूतना चैव । कालीसुतच खड्गी चैते दौवारिकाः प्रोक्तयः ॥ ८३ ॥ 
प्राक्प्रत्यमुखमैशं प्रामादिषु तत्परा शुभदम्। "विष्णुगृह सर्वमुखं ग्रामस्यान्तर्मुखं शुभदम् ॥ ८४ ॥
'शेषं पूर्वाभिमुखं मातृणामुत्तराभिमुखम् । प्रत्यग्द्वारे सौर गेहारम्भात पुरामरावासम् ॥ ८५ ॥''

[ वर्ज्यस्थानानि ]

हृदये वंशस्थाने शूले सूत्रे च सन्धौ च । कर्णसिरायां षट्के नोक्तान्यमरालयादीनि ॥ ८६ ॥

[ श्रेणिस्थानम् ]

गोशाला दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरदेशे तु पुष्पवाटी स्यात् । पूर्वद्वारोपान्ते पश्चिमतस्तापसावासम् ॥ ८७ ॥
सर्वत्रैव जलाशयमिष्टं वापी च कूपं च । वैश्यानां दक्षिणतः परितः सदनं तु  शूद्राणाम् ॥ ८८ ।। 
प्राच्यां वाऽप्युत्तरतो गेहं कुर्यात् कुलालानाम् । तत्रैव नापितानामन्यत्कर्मोपयुक्तानाम् ॥ ८९ ॥ 
मत्स्योपजीविनां स्याद् वासं वायव्यदेशे तु । पश्चिमदेशे मांसैरुपवृत्तीनां निवासः स्यात् ॥ ९० ॥ 
तैलोपजीविनां चैवोत्तरदेशे गृहश्रेणिः ।

[ गृहलक्षणम् ]

धनुभिस्त्रिपञ्चसप्तभिरथ ''नवभिर्गृहावधिः प्रोक्तः ॥ ९१ ॥

दण्डाभ्यामथ तस्मादायामं वर्धयेत् क्रमशः । व्यासद्विगुणावधिकं यावद् दैघ्यै ग्रहीतव्यम् ॥ ९२ ॥ 
तत्रैव हस्तमानैर्गेहं कुर्याद् यथाविधिना रुचकः स्वस्तिकमथवा नन्द्यावर्तं "" च सर्वतोभद्रम् ॥ ९३ ॥ 
स्याद् वर्धमानमेषामाकृत्या तच्चतुर्गृहं प्रोक्तम् । दण्डकशालालाङ्गलमथवा शूर्प यथेष्टं स्यात् ॥ ९४ ॥
ग्रामात् किञ्चिद्दूरे पावकदेशेऽथवा वायौ । वासः स्यात् स्थपतीनां शेषाणां तत्र कर्तव्यम् ॥ ९५ ॥ 
तस्मात् किञ्चिद्दूरे रजकादीनां निवासः स्यात् । चण्डालकुटीराणि पूर्वायां क्रोशमात्रे तु ॥ ९६ ॥ 
चण्डालयोषितस्तास्ताम्रायःसीसभूषणाः सर्वाः पूर्वाह्ने मलमोक्षक्रियोचिता ग्राममावेश्य ॥ ९७ ।। 
प्रागुत्तरदिशि दण्डैः पञ्चशतैः स्याच्छवावासम्  । शेषाणामपि तत्तद्दूरे देशे श्मशानं यात् ॥ ९८ ॥

[ विन्यासदोषाः ]

चण्डालचर्मकार  श्मशानतोयाशयापयानं च । देवगृहविश्वकोष्ठग्रामावृतदेशमार्गपरिवृत्तिः ॥ ९९ ॥ व्यसनं ग्रामविनाशो नृपभङ्गो भवति मरणं च । देवालयान्तरापणशून्यत्वं शोध्यसञ्चयं चापि ॥ १०० ॥ मार्गेऽशुद्धक्षेपणमीदृग् ग्रामस्य शून्यतादायि ॥ १०० ॥

Divinities of the gates

Candeśvara, Kumāra, Dhanada, Käli, Pütanä, Kälisuta and Khadgin are the divinities of the gates.53

Orientation of shrines

In settlements such as villages the temple of Isa is orientated towards either the east or the west; it is beneficial if turned towards the exterior of the (settlement). The dwelling of Vişnu may be orientated in any direction but is beneficial if turned towards the centre of the village. Other (shrines) are orientated towards the east but that of the Mothers is turned towards the north and the entrance of that of Sürya is in the west. The dwellings of the gods of a city should be built prior to the houses.

Locations to be avoided

These are the six places where there should be no temples or buildings of that kind: the heart (of the Spirit of the site) and its bones, the stakes, the lines (of the diagram), their intersections and the diagonals (and) parallels 


The cowshed should be to the south, the flower garden to the north and the dwelling of ascetics either near the eastern gate or to the west, A Tank or reservoir should be placed everywhere where water is required. The quarter for vaisya is to the south and that for südra on the periphery. The potters' houses are either to the east or to the north, where are Tound too those of barbers and other artisans; the fishermen's quarter is to the north-west and that of the butchers to the west and, lastly, the oil makers' quarter is to the north.


The width of houses should be three, five, seven or, at most, nine poles and the corresponding lengths are obtained by adding successively two poles to the width but should be such as not to exceed twice those widths. The house should then be built with the aid of dimensions calculated in cubits according to the rule. It may be a four main building house called rucaka, svastika, nandyavarta, sarvatobhadra or vardhamana according to its appearance; or else it may be a dandaka house (with one main building) or a längala one (with two) or a surpa one (with three). 

The dwellings of other sthapati" are to be erected at a distance from the village, to the south-east or to the north-west and a little farther away still are the quarters of the dyers and people of that ilk. Candala huts are a krośa to the east; the wives of the candäla wear jewellery in copper, iron and lead; upon entering the village in the morning. candăla must cleanse it of dirt. Five hundred poles to the north-east is the cremation ground and a little farther on is the cemetery for inferior classes, 

Errors in planning

If the house of candäla or curriers or the cemetery or well are badly placed or if there is any departure from the rule as regards temples, village (itself), visvakostba, surrounding territory or streets, then misfortune will result: destruction of the village, loss of the prince and death. Equally, if the temples and bazaars are empty and if heaps of dirt and filth are thrown into the streets the result will be the annihilation of the village.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9E- दौवारिकाः Divinities of the gates - by Manish Jain - 07-12-2021, 11:15 AM

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