Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9F- गर्भविन्यासः Placing the foundation deposits

[ गर्भविन्यासः ]

ग्रामादीनां च सर्वेषां गर्भविन्यासमुच्यते ॥ १०१ ॥ 

सगर्भ सर्वसम्पत्त्यै विगर्भ सर्वनाशनम् । तस्मात् सर्वप्रयत्नेन गर्भ सम्यग् विनिक्षिपेत् ॥ १०२ ।। 
मृत्कन्दधान्यसल्लोह" धातुरत्वेन्द्रनीलाद्यैः । पणेन गर्भद्रव्याणि निर्दोषाण्येव सङ्गृहेत् ॥ १०३ ॥

सलिलापूरिते श्वभ्रे मृदादीनि न्यसेद् बुधः ।धान्योपरि निधातव्यं ताम्रभाजनमभ्रमम् ॥ १०४ ॥ 
ताम्रभाजनविस्तारं पञ्चधा परिकीर्तितम् । रत्रिद्वादशपङ्क्त्यष्टचतुरङ्गुलमानतः।। १०५ ।। 
उन्नतं तावदेवं स्याद् वृत्तं स्याच्चतुरश्रकम् ।  हैमः सिंहस्तु रूप्येण वरुणे  सजलाधिपः ॥ १०८ ।। 
 माक्षिकं भृङ्गराजे स्याद् राजावर्तं सुकन्धरे । सपञ्चपञ्चकोष्ठं वा नवकोष्ठकमेव वा ॥ १०६॥ 
उपपीठपदे देवास्तस्मिन् पात्रे तु सम्मताः'  रजतेन वृषः  सूर्ये  वज्री  हाटकनिर्मितः ॥ १०७ ॥ 
यमे तु " " यमराजश्च शुल्बेनायसवारण:  । हैमः सिंहस्तु रूप्येण वरुणे  सजलाधिपः ॥ १०८ ।।
वाजी श्वेतमयः सोमे राजतो द्विजराजकः । ईशे वैकृन्तमनले त्रपु सीसं तु नैर्ऋते ॥ १०९ ॥
स्वर्णं समीरणे जातिहिङ्गुल्यं तु जयन्तके । हरितालं भृशे भागे वितथे तु मनःशिला ॥ ११० । 
माक्षिकं भृङ्गराजे स्याद् राजावर्तं सुकन्धरे । गैरिकं शोषभागे तु 14 गणमुख्येऽञ्जनं भवेत् ॥ १११ ॥ 
अदितौ दरदं विद्यादेवमेव न्यसेत् क्रमात् "  । चतुष्पदे च लोकेशाः स्थाप्याश्चाभ्यन्तराननाः ॥ ११२ ॥
षड्भिः पञ्चचतुस्त्रिद्विमात्रे बिम्बोदयं भवेत् । तदर्धं वाहनोत्सेधं स्थानकासनमेव वा ॥ ११३ ।। 
मुक्तापवत्से मरिचौ विद्रुमं सवितर्यथ । पुष्परागं च वैडूर्यं विवस्वति विनिक्षिपेत् ॥ ११४ ॥

वज्रमिन्द्रजये विद्यादिन्द्रनीलं तु मित्रके । रुद्रराजे महानीलं मरकतं तु महीधरे ॥ ११५ 
मध्यमे पद्मरागं तु विन्यसेद् गर्भभाजने । रत्नानि धातवश्चैव स्वस्वविस्तारभाजने ॥ ११६ ॥
तद्देवस्थानभावज्ञैरानीतानि निधापयेत् । हेमायस्ताम्ररूप्यैश्च स्वस्तिकानि चतुर्दिशि ॥ ११७ ॥
ब्रह्मस्थानाद् बहिष्ठानि पूर्वादौ स्थापयेत् क्रमात् । स्वर्णेन शालिं रूप्येण व्रीहिं चायसकोद्रवम् ॥ ११८ ॥
त्रपुकङ्कु सीसमाषं तिलं वैकृन्तकल्पितम् । मुद्नं चायोमयं ताम्रं कुलत्थमिति लोहजान्॥ ११९॥
भाजनाय बलिं दत्त्वा पश्चात् सर्वं निधापयेत् । अङ्गुलाधिकविस्तीर्णमायामं द्वादशाङ्गुलम् ॥ १२० ॥
पञ्चाङ्गुलेन वृद्धिः स्यादाद्वात्रिंशत्प्रमाणतः' खादिरं चेन्द्रकीलं स्यात् तस्याग्रं चित्रवृत्तकम् ॥ १२१॥ 
भाजनोपरि तत् स्थाप्यं गर्भन्यासविचक्षणैः । स्थानीये द्रोणमुखे खार्वटे प्रतिनागरे ॥ १२२ ॥ 
ग्रामे च निगमे खेटे पत्तने कोत्मकोलके । ब्रह्मण्यार्याकंभागेऽपि 160 विवस्वति यमे तथा ।। १२३ ।।
मित्रे च वरुणे चैव सोमे च पृथिवीधरे । द्वारदक्षिणदेशे वा होतेषां गर्भ इष्यते ॥ १२४
पुष्पदन्ते च भल्लाटे महेन्द्रे च गृहक्षते । विष्णुस्थाने श्रियः स्थाने स्कन्दस्थानेऽथवा पुनः ॥ १२५॥
स्थापयेद् ग्रामरक्षार्थ सर्वकामाभिवृद्धये गर्भमादौ विनिक्षिप्य बिम्बं तदुपरि न्यसेत् ॥ १२६ ॥
शिलेष्टकचिते खाते पुरुषाञ्जलिमात्रके । अनुक्तानां च सर्वेषामजभागादिषु न्यसेत् ॥ १२७ 
सुरक्षं तु यथागर्भ स्थपतिः स्थापयेत् स्थिरम् । अत्रानुक्तं तु तत् सर्व द्रष्टव्यं गर्भलक्षणे ॥ १२८ ॥
एव प्रोक्ता भूमितिर्देवतानां वर्णानां चाप्यत्र जात्यन्तराणाम् । ग्रामादीनां मानविन्यासमार्ग सालङ्कारं चारु संक्षिप्य तन्त्रात् ॥ १२९ ॥ 
दद्यान्नृपः स्थपतिकादिचतुष्टयेभ्यो मानादिकर्मनिपुणेभ्य इडां च गां च | नित्यं यथा जगति वित्तमनेकवस्तू न्याचन्द्रतारमधिवासभुवं मुदा सः॥ १३० ॥
       इति मयमते वस्तुशास्त्रे प्रामविन्यासो" नाम नवमोऽध्यायः 

Placing the foundation deposits 

Now is elucidated the placing of the foundation deposit in villages and in other settlements. If there is a foundation deposit then success is ensured but, if not, failure is inevitable; the greatest care must therefore be taken in the laying of a comprehensive deposit including earths,  roots, grains, (grains represented in) metals, colouring substances and precious stones such as indranila sapphire. The elements chosen for a deposit should be flawless and are to have been purchased.

Having filled the (foundation) pit with water, the sage puts the  elements in place beginning with the earths; above the grains a flawless copper casket must be put, for which there are five (possible) widths which are: fourteen,67 twelve, ten, eight or four digits, the height being equal to the width. The casket may be either square or circular and it has twenty-five or nine compartments.

 If the container is in accordance with the upapitha diagram (and thus has twenty-five compartments) then the gods will be placed there as follows: Vajrin in gold and a silver bull in (the compartment corresponding to) Sürya, Yamarāja in copper and a gold elephant in the compartment of Yama, Jalädhipa in silver and a gold lion in that of Varuna, Dvijarāja in silver and a silver horse in that of Soma. In the compartment of Isa there should be mercury, in that of Anala tin, in that of Nirrti lead and in that of Samirana gold. In the compartment of Jayanta there is cinnabar, in that of Bhrsa orpiment, in that of Vitatha red arsenic, in that of Bhrigarāja pyrites, in that of Sukhandara lapis, in that of Sosa red chalk, in that of Ganamukhya" antimony and in that of Aditi red copper. This is to be properly understood and the elements arranged in order.

The lords of the cardinal points are installed facing the centre (of the casket) and in four compartments, their images are six, five, four, three or two digits high and their mounts half that height; they are either standing or seated.

. There is a pearl in the compartment of Apavatsa, coral in that of  Marici, a topaz in that of Savitr, a tiger's eye gem in that of Vivasvant, a diamond in that of Indraraja, an indranila sapphire in that of Mitraka, a mabanila sapphire in that of Rudraraja and an emerald in that of Mahidhara; a ruby is placed in the centre of the casket. The responsibility for the arranging of precious stones and colouring substances each at its proper place in the casket should devolve upon those well acquainted with their nature and with the placing of gods.

 Svastika in gold, iron, copper and silver should be set at the four  cardinal points. Around the compartment of Brahma and exterior to it, the following grains should be placed, starting from the east and in the given order: săli in gold, vrihi in silver, kodrava in iron, kanku in tin, măsa in lead, tila in mercury, mudga in iron and kulattha in copper."

When an offering has been made to the casket everything should be  arranged (in it). The length (of the board which is to cover the casket)7² is greater by one digit than its width and may be twelve digits to thirty-two by successive increments of five. Above is a perfectly circular stake in khadira wood which should be laid in place on top of the casket by those who know the rules relating to foundation deposits.

In sthaniya, dronamukha, kharvata, in towns of all types, in villages and in nigama, kheta, pattana and kotmakolaka the foundation deposit may be at the place of Brahma, that of Arya, that of Arka or those of Vivasvant, Yama, Mitra, Varuna, Soma or Prthividhara or, again it may be to the right of the gates situated at the places of Puspadanta, Bhallata, Mahendra or Grhaksata or it may be placed beneath the temples of Vişnu, Śrī or Skanda in order that the protection of the village may be guaranteed and all wishes accomplished.

Once the foundation deposit is in place an image is set up above it, in a pit lined with stones and bricks and the size of two cupped hands. (Images) (?) of all the gods not mentioned should be placed in the squares (of the diagram) starting with Aja.

The architect must install a solid (construction) well protected by the corresponding foundation deposit (?): he may look in the chapter dealing with foundation deposits for what is not given here.

Thus have been expounded the dimensions of sites suitable for gods and superior and inferior castes as well as the dimensions, street layouts and embellishments to settlements such as villages; this has been taken from the Tantra.

The prince is obliged to offer land and cows to the tetrad who are led by the architect and who are skilful in measuring. He who does this without reservation will gain riches in abundance and his kingdom will extend to the moon and stars as long as the world shall endure.

Thus ends, in the Mayamata, treatise on dwelling, the ninth chapter: VILLAGES PLANNING.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9F- गर्भविन्यासः Placing the foundation deposits - by Manish Jain - 07-12-2021, 11:34 AM

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