प्रवचनसारः गाथा -21, 22 केवल ज्ञान का स्वरूप

Gatha 21
For sure, all substances (dravya) and their modes (paryāya) reflect directly (and simultaneously) in the perfect-knowledge (kevalajñāna) of the Omniscient. The Omniscient knows all substances and their modes directly and simultaneously as he does not rely on the sensory-knowledge that knows substances in stages – apprehension (avagraha) etc.

Explanatory Note: Sensory-knowledge, being indirect, acquires knowledge of substances in four stages: apprehension (avagraha), and retention (dhāraõā). The Omniscient knows all substances (dravya) and their modes (paryāya) directly and simultaneously, without gradation. This is possible because on destruction of karmas that hinder its natural power, the soul, on its own, attains omniscience (kevalajñāna) – infinite, indestructible, perfect knowledge – that knows all substances of the three worlds and the three times directly and simultaneously, in respect of their substance (dravya), place (ksetra), time (kāla), and being (bhāva).

Pravacanasāra Gatha-22 

The knowledge of the Omniscient Lord is direct and simultaneous, always beyond the senses. The space-points of his pristine soul are not only inclusive of the power of the senses but, more than that, reflect simultaneously all objects. Certainly, the Omniscient Lord, by own making, is the embodiment of perfect knowledge (kevalajñāna).

Explanatory Note: 
The function of knowledge is to know and there is no limit to knowledge. The Omniscient Lord has infinite knowledge and he knows directly, without gradation, every object of-
knowledge (jñeya) in the three worlds and the three times. This all-encompassing and indestructible knowledge is beyond sensory knowledge of the world.

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