प्रवचनसारः गाथा -38 पर्याय एवं द्रव्य

Certainly, omniscience (kevalajñāna) sees directly those notpresent modes (paryāya), which are yet to originate, and which had originated in the past but destroyed, i.e., all modes of the future and the past, not existing in the present, of a substance (dravya).

Explanatory Note: 
The not-present modes of a substance are future modes that are yet to originate and past modes that exist no more. However, such modes are present in the knowledge of the Omniscient. As the figures of the past and the future Tīrthańkara inscribed in the stela remain present, the past and the future modes of a substance remain present in the knowledge of the Omniscient.

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