प्रवचनसारः गाथा - 62,63 - क्या आप भव्य हैं?

Gatha 62
Those who do not accept as true the assertion that on destruction of the inimical (ghātī) karmas the Omniscient enjoys unmatched and supreme happiness are abhavya –
without the capacity of ever-attaining right faith, and those who accept this assertion as true are bhavya – with the capacity of attaining right faith.

Explanatory Note: Those with right-belief (samyagdrsti) consider worldly happiness as counterfeit happiness and sensepleasures as happiness only by convention (vyavahāra). They believe that only the sense-independent (atīndriya) happiness, born on destruction of inimical (ghātī) karmas, of the Omniscient is the real (niscaya) happiness, as it accompanies no anxiety. Those with false-belief (mithyādrsti) can never enjoy the supreme happiness of the Omniscient; mistaking sense-pleasures for real happiness, they keep on chasing sense-pleasures, as the deer chases a mirage.

Gatha 63
Tormented by the illness caused by natural craving of the senses for gratification, and unable to bear the pain, the humans, asura (the lower deva) and Indra (lords of the kalpavāsī deva) take delight in pursuing sensual-pleasures.

Explanatory Note: Worldly beings do not have direct knowledge; they have indirect knowledge, which is sense-dependent. As delusion (moha) accompanies indirect knowledge, as heat accompanies the hot iron ball, acute craving for sensual-pleasures accompanies indirect knowledge. As a sick man takes medicine to alleviate his suffering, similarly, the man tormented by illness caused by the craving of the senses indulges in sensual-pleasures to alleviate his suffering. It is thus clear that the man with indirect knowledge is full of misery; he has no access to the natural happiness appertaining to the soul.

Messages In This Thread
प्रवचनसारः गाथा - 62,63 - क्या आप भव्य हैं? - by Manish Jain - 08-27-2022, 07:23 AM
RE: प्रवचनसारः गाथा - 62,63 - क्या आप भव्य हैं? - by sandeep jain - 08-27-2022, 10:14 AM
RE: प्रवचनसारः गाथा - 62,63 - क्या आप भव्य हैं? - by sumit patni - 08-27-2022, 12:15 PM

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