challanges faced by young architects practicing in India

When an Architect passes from college he (she) is full with  theoretical part of architecture in his five year of academics.
In real world he has to face unknown challenges of construction methods and its contractual system. Along with this the impact of client needs actually mutes the voice of young architects .
After ten or fifteen years of rigorous practice he becomes professional , but in this process he forgets the theoretical part associated with the building work.
This is the real irony in Architecture.
[Image: smemo2.jpg]

In architecture education for five year, student only understand the basic vocabulary of architecture terms used by foreign architects and their project they had done in past one and half century. This education is not sufficient for them to understand Indian construction environment and challenges they had to face after graduation.
Client expectation of vastu  create unidentified limitation in design process generally leads to stereotype results in final output . These design results does not make job satisfaction for young architect and they start to avoid design process and repeat the design concept they had created in past.
After design concept and next thing is to get building plan approval from local authority. The organization structure of approval committee is such that architect have to face unbearable humiliation from lower staff of authority
If you have anything to elaborate this discussion please share on this forum so that the voice of architect is not muted and we get proper response from construction system,  builders, client, contractor side.

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Young Architects when passes from college, he has a dilemma of being a design perfectionist. In his academic life he has been taught to be a director of any project. In real life his voice is muted under influences of different building experts.

Unfolding the Journey embarked by a young architect - Critical Regionalism

Critical Regionalism recognized that one person can’t dictate idealism for all. It was the theory which reinforced the ideals of modernity with a character of the region. Charactere refers to the folklore, arts, crafts, climate, light, topography, tectonics, surrounding ambiance, etc. also. It understood the human nature where different societies have different culture and different ways to embrace the nature and situations, different ways to react and thus very different needs . Study about the context and history of their region and site and design accordingly.

The plain and distinct representation of the building parts, in conformity with their technical functions, provides possibilities for new forms in the details and the outward expression of buildings. This is the new challenge for architects today.Every architect has the duty to harness contemporary technical possibilities extensively and to exploit their artistic potential to create buildings that express the ethos of the modern world. This requires tact, restraint, respect for the surroundings, organic unity of building, space and construction, and a harmonious relationship between the articulation of interior spaces and the exterior form, in addition to fulfilling technological, organisational and economic demands. Even major artists with true creative drive are subject to these restrictions and are influenced by the spirit of the age. The clearer the artistic vision or the view of life of the artist, the more mature and rich the content of his work, and the longer it will endure as a beautiful object of true art for all time.

The challenge for architects is to create form based on a fusion of architectural expression and knowledge of the technological principles of modern construction techniques. Available forms were used on a ‘decorative’ basis in any construction type, whether in stone, wood or plaster.

Architects must use their creativity as far as possible to translate their shared experience into reality and express it through the materials at their disposal. The attitude of the client is of the greatest significance in this issue. In few aspects, many clients and architects are still living in the earlier century while few of each have arrived in the new millennium. If the ‘centuries’ meet in the right way, then a happy marriage between client and architect is assured.

Architectural education in India is one hundred years old. But the foundations for a new, relevant architecture of the new India were laid very recently with the foundation of CEPT as a school of architecture in 1962.So I am tempted to look at the future of education, rather than its past. But I am tempted to place the mantle of the present crises I see, and the challenges this crisis offers, on the shoulders of our great profession and on Centres of Excellence, like CEPT University, that has invited me to this conclave.

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