Ahichchhatra - canopy of snakes

Ahichchhatra, the capital of north Panchalas, is located in Bareilly district. The
name means 'canopy of snakes'. Ahichchhatra emerged around 300B. C. as a sizeable settlement with mud brick buildings. The first kiln-burnt bricks appeared in the I" cent B.C. when the city was fortified by a 3.5 mile long baked brick wall.

अहिच्छत्र : 
Ahichchhatra is located in Ganga- Yamuna doab about 11kms north of Anola near Ramnagar village in Distt Barreily of Uttar Pradesh.this historical city was famous capital of North Panchala since the time of great Epic Mahabharata.The earlier excavations revealed that this city was extreamly rich in antiquities like the terracotta figurines, Mithana fingures of Sunga period,Heads of Lord Shiva & Parvati also a highly artistic life size Terrcotta image of River goddess Ganga & Yamuna of Gupta Period ( 3-5 Cen AD,Now displayed in National Muesum,New Delhi) These images are the most outstanding & Charming specimens from Ahichchhatra. 

The ruins at this site consist the remains of long brick fortification in shape of rough isoscales triagle having a perimeter of about 5.501mts & more than a height of 20mts. Chinese traveller "Hiuen Tsang" also visited this site in 7th Cen AD. & discribed the existence of ten Buddhist Monestories & Nine Brahaminical temples. The large scale Horizontal excavation at Ahichchhatra for the next coming field season 2001-2002 has got the objective to trace the city plan of the site.

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