Collective Ecology

1. Corner pockets (2 stories)

An increase in ceiling height allows for a substantial elevation in solar gain throughout all four seasons.

2. East-West Strips (2 stories)

With extended ceiling height, the east west strip continues to demonstrate the best performance out of all the cases, allowing for deep penetration into the openings.

3. Interior Pockets (2 Stories)

Even though the ceiling height has doubled, its impact is fairly minimal, as this scenario still demonstrates poor sun exposure throughtout the majority of the year.

4. North South Strips (2 Stories)

Similar to the East West Stirps, doubling the ceiling heights allows for increased solar exposure, with near continual exposure levels through out the year.

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[Image: Dissertations%202012-2014-Collective%20E..._sm-63.jpg]

[Image: Dissertations%202012-2014-Collective%20E..._sm-67.jpg]

[Image: Dissertations%202012-2014-Collective%20E..._sm-71.jpg]


[Image: Dissertations%202012-2014-Collective%20E..._sm-55.jpg]

[Image: Dissertations%202012-2014-Collective%20E..._sm-56.jpg]

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