
Summer or winter internship (which lasts 1-2 months )
Mandatory semester internship as per the guidelines of CoA (Council of Architecture)

Internships in Architecture are of utmost importance, since internships help students gain a relationship between the theoretical part architecture design and the pragmatic aspects of designing and building to the execution level. Broadly speaking, there can be two types of internship in Architecture

Summer or winter internships are basically individual internships which are taken up by students at will. During the summers/winters when students are not occupied by any other project, they can opt to have such internships. Usually during these internships you will be given small time projects or will be asked to create small details (like a bathroom detail or a kitchen detail) for larger projects.

Mandatory semester internship is an internship which every student enrolled in an institute affiliated by Council of Architecture.

Internship should be under principal architect having minimum experience of 10 year of professional practice . The duration of internship may vary, but it is usually for a semester. During this internship period you have to take a leave from University and join the respective office or firm where you are supposed to have your internship, similar to Medicine or Law students. Usually the experience is similar to doing an actual job with following all ethic codes of a professional environment.

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